Learned Smartphone ISP Challenge

10-min invited presentation for the MAI workshop at CVPR 2021

Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile NPUs With Deep Learning, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report

\[**CVPRW 2021**\] The report paper for The Learned Smartphone ISP challenge in the CVPR 2021 MAI Workshop.

Network Space Search for Pareto-Efficient Spaces

\[**CVPRW 2021 (Oral)**\] A novel AutoML paradigm to directly search for favorable network spaces automatically instead of a single architecture.

Deep Learning for Smartphone ISP

The Learned Smartphone ISP Challenge for the CVPR 2021 MAI Workshop.

Bridging Distributional Discrepancy with Temporal Dynamics for Video Understanding

Invited talk by Dr. Jun-Cheng Chen at Academia Sinica

My Research Journey for Video Understanding

Invited talk by Prof. Yen-Yu Lin at NYCU

Bridging Distributional Discrepancy with Temporal Dynamics for Video Understanding

\[**Thesis**\] My Ph.D. Dissertation at Georgia Tech.

Action Segmentation with Temporal Domain Adaptation

Cross-domain action segmentation by aligning temporal feature spaces.

Action Segmentation with Joint Self-Supervised Temporal Domain Adaptation

\[**CVPR 2020**\] Cross-domain action segmentation by aligning feature spaces across multiple temporal scales with self-supervised learning to reduce spatio-temporal variability.

Action Segmentation with Joint Self-Supervised Temporal Domain Adaptation

5-min invited presentation for the WebVision workshop at CVPR 2020